Thursday, January 05, 2006


A last...have been worried about the fact that unless i am an emotional wreck i cant really write...but i guess this changes is a piece of work that was purely an idea that i put into words... trust me it has nothing to do with me... :)

Long after the sun goes down,
And folks are off to bed in my town.
I stand gazing up at the sky,
Wondering what makes someone bold or shy.

I try hard to say,
Yes or no or why I feel that way.
But I end up saying nothing,
Walk away burdened with unsaid feeling.

I speak in silence,
Forming words that will make a difference.
Yet when the time arrives,
I run away from the public eyes!

I look at folks, who can speak
So well, that it makes me weep.
It is magic…
To me who is denied the power of the spoken word,
Whose point of view the world has scarcely heard.

I try hard to say,
Yes or no or why I feel that way.
But I cannot get my words out,
Leave folks around me wondering and in doubt…

Oh really, what makes a person bold or shy?
What must I do? What else should I try?
I stand here gazing at the stars that shine,
Wishing they’ll tell me…
How to make the spoken word mine!


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