Monday, September 16, 2013

Love me a little

Love me a little,
just a tiny little bit - tell me how you feel.
Show me some warmth, some care, a little wit,
Smile, give me a hug, something real.

Call me just to hear me smile,
Hold me close even when I don't need it or ask.
Join me for a walk and a little time let’s while,
Make me a cup of tea without making it a task.

Kiss me senseless for no reason,
Want to be around even when the going is slow.
Jump with me in the water for some fun,
Wish me well in times of good or woe.

Love me a little -
just a tiny little bit.
Don't make me ask for everything,
I cannot take it. 

If you don't care, then don't find me when I leave,
just let me go away.
It will hurt for a while and I will grieve,
but eventually I shall find my way. 

Keeping me back with promises of tomorrow,
unable to give me what I give you.
This unimaginable sorrow,
let it not bind us anew.  

Love me a little,
just a tiny little bit - tell me how you feel.
Show me some warmth, some care, a little wit,
Smile, give me a hug, just show me something real.


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