Friday, January 07, 2005


Hope brings the best in you out,
It really is the silver lining of every cloud of doubt…

To lose hope is to have lost everythin’,
It is equal to giving up the fight just when you are closing in…

There is no challenge impossible,
There is nothing that can’t be bent by your will.

Sure there are hardships everywhere,
Nothing in life is all fair and square…

What matters is your attitude,
As long as you have Hope, u r the dude.

Don’t let people tell you otherwise,
Cause hope gives you the reason to rise…

Rise above all your troubles,
Treat them like they are mere baubles.

Cause troubles come and go,
But you can’t let them stop your show.

Sure, you say, when I have nothing left,
Hope will get rid of my debt?????

Oh yes, it will, I would say,
Don’t forget where there is will there is a way…..

Realize it is ever so easy to give up,
And imagine it is a long way to the victor’s cup.

As dark thoughts in your mind cloud,
It will be convenient to don the sadness shroud.

Losing hope is the same as closing your mind,
Shackling one self when freedom one can find.

Hope, really is the light at the end of the tunnel,
If only you can on positive thoughts dwell.

So next time you are feeling down and low,
Welcome hope; allow it to a new path show.

Get up and rise, seek another way,
Tomorrow, my dear, is yet another day.