Wednesday, May 24, 2006 all about your choices

Life is all about choices,
The paths you choose to take;
Hearing the right voices,
True…life is what you make!

It hardly matters who you were,
It’s not about where you were born;
Its how you choose to care,
How people remember you when you are gone…

Everyday is a second chance,
To do what you want to do;
To take the right stance,
& for someone a right thing you could do.

You can blame another,
You can point fingers and scream…
But in the end, remember,
It’s your fault you failed to dream!

Make the right choice
now, if you did not before;
Before long you shall rejoice,
& achieve so much more.

Yeah, life is all about choices mate,
Which paths you choose to take?
What makes one common & the other so great,
Its Life - & its what you choose to make!