Thursday, September 01, 2005


Disappointments are a way of life. Learning to deal with them the right way is so important for any person. Being human beings we are supposed to have higher senses, a wider range of emotions, and abilities to express these in several different ways. Consequently, we should be able to deal with our emotions especially disappointments in a more a balanced way. Though this is logically true and makes perfect sense, I am yet to find a single situation where I was able to deal with my adverse emotions in a “balanced” way! Oh, relax…I am not saying I throw a tantrum or curse or swear or do any of those melodramatic things we women are so often accused of (unfairly so if I may add). But I cannot quit thinking about it all the same. It is tougher because I have to do so very many other things as well and most of my brain’s processing capacity is wasted every time life decides to send a twister down my path.

Disappointments are the direct consequence of cascading events... For instance, Katrina caused havoc...rendering people homeless, ripping the telephone lines out, flooding places badly, affecting gas lines and consequently, (even though i am here in Richmond, safe and sound otherwise) affecting my Labor day plans cause my friends cannot visit me now!!!! They have to exercise economy in fuel usage!

Higher senses only make your misery even more acute!

Life Sucks!