Saturday, August 12, 2006

A lesser life one shouldn’t live,
One in which they can never give.
Take, take, take, if its all we ever do…
What feelings can we imbue?
The joy of giving, the sheer bliss,
How can we lose it? How can we not miss?
That tiny burst of joy in the core of your heart,
When that child grasps your hand and learns to walk…
That simple smile that’s always there,
When you see the other person fare.
That smile gracing your face,
When you think of the good old days.
Good old days – when you gave as much as you got,
Shared all…even a cup of tea that someone else bought!
When you had nothing materially to give,
You gave everything you had, you truly “lived”.
Yet with all comforts you can possess here,
You walk away not knowing what to give, to seek or to fear.
Think of the happiness you can provide,
Just by being you and not trying to hide.
A lesser life one shouldn’t live,
One in which they can never give.
Take, take, take, if its all we ever do…
What feelings can we imbue?
The joy of giving, the sheer bliss,
How can we lose it? How can we not miss?