Disappointments - Surprises - Happiness - Bliss!
Well, I have to admit that the surprises that come after disappointments are sooo cool! They bring with them a happiness that shortly turns to bliss! This is exactly what happened over the weekend! My best friends werent going to turn up because of the fuel situation caused by Ms.Katrina! I was disappointed and sad...and...
But...they decided to turn up after all!!! So i had the BEST long weekend ever in many years! I loved every minute of it and so did they! We had much fun and ate a lot of delicious goodies (prepared by urs truly! and frankly, i surprised myself....i didnt know i cd cook so well!)
So the cycle came true and there was total complete bliss!
ah! Disappointment --> Surprises ---> Happiness ----> Total Bliss !!!!!
From now on I will have something to look forward to everytime life hands me a disppointment!